Company Profile

DB International traces its history in the field of fresh fruits and vegetables (F&V) back to 1947and is a name of trust in quality and services in F&V business in India. Company deals in bulk and custom packed, Imported as well as Domestic fruits and vegetables. DB International is an established name among the growers, suppliers and dealers & distributors with strong relations dating back to couple of decades and only growing stronger by each day. Group started its operations as 'fruit exporter and order supplier' of different varieties of apples and mangoes. Over the decades of operation's company has added many more fruits and vegetables to its product line and is open experiment and add more.

We pride ourselves in being present across the whole value chain with a deep understand of the business and a rich inheritance in this sector.

To further strengthen the roots in this sector, the Group has now gone a step further in backward integration and is in process of building a 'state-of-art' CA facilities in the midst of the growing community of Himalayan region of Himachal Pradesh in India. This facility will include state-of-art Sorting, Grading & Packing Line, CA Store and Whole-sale Auction Sheds.